The synthesis difference between stapled peptide and the normal linear peptide lies in being introduced the two non natural amino acids containing a-methyl and a-alkenyl in the process of solid phase synthesis.Then the two non natural amino
acids occur olefin metathesis cyclization to form stable a-helix conformation of the carbon to synthesize stapled peptide.
The two pictures above are non natural amino acids with two different structures of containing a-methyl and a-alkenyl.
Please focus on the below synthesis method of these amino acids :
The synthetic route of stapled peptide :
Bankpeptide always adheres to the customer first business philosophy. Through accumulation of long years experiment, constantly optimization of the synthesis conditions and the purification technology, we already have a mature method of stapled peptide synthesis to provide highquality stapled peptides fully meeting the needs of customers in different kinds of research and development area.
Successful Case:
HPLC Analyse:
MS Analyse: